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Beltran and the Mets: Is There A Doctor in the House?

Posted on January 15, 2010 by Richard Marsh

Injuries have been a big part of the story for Carlos Beltran and the Mets in recent years.

The saga continues. Once again the question arises when it comes to the Mets medical staff and the organization leadership: Does the left hand know what the right hand is doing?

Obviously not. With so many players injured during the course of the 2009 season, the way the players were or were not treated medically sparked a very real concern among Mets fans everywhere. Of course it really goes back to the 2008 season with the handling of Ryan Church following his concussions.

I had hoped to put the disaster of 2009 behind me and start writing real positive articles about the team I love. I have been quiet during the off season primarily because pretty much everything has already been said regarding 2009.

I have ripped manager Jerry Manuel and his boss General Manager Omar Miniya to the core, however I had no choice since they have both been retained to start the 2010 campaign. Omar has been overall very good in the offseason. It is his non-moves, especially at the trade deadline, that have frustrated me during his reign.

I am especially happy with the acquisition of Jason Bay, and despite what others may say, I believe Bengie Molina would be a move in the right direction. I would also be quite satisfied adding either Ben Sheets, Joel Pineiro, or Gil Meche to the Mets pitching staff. But save all that for another article.

Now back to Carlos Beltran. Yesterday the Mets brass came unglued when they found out that Beltran had gone and had surgery on his knee Wednesday morning. They said he didn’t inform the team as they wanted Carlos to get a third opinion. This comes from John Ricco, the Assistant General Manager who held the news conference to pounce all over Carlos.

Omar Minaya was not there as he, along with Jeff Wilpon, was attending an owners conference somewhere deep inside the Earth’s core, because communication between these two spokesmen didn’t take place.

Beltran hit .325 with 10 home runs in 81 games last season.

Beltran hit .325 with 10 home runs in 81 games last season.

Scott Boras, Beltran’s agent, defended Carlos by saying the Mets knew about the surgery, even sending the proper workman’s compensation papers to the doctor in Colorado. Now, everybody hates Boras, so nobody believed him. Thus Carlos Beltran is now the enemy.

Well lo and behold, today Carlos, in a written statement read to the press by Boras, said he did inform the Mets regarding the surgery on Tuesday evening, speaking directly to Minaya, who in turn wished Carlos good luck and a speedy recovery. It seems Omar failed to let the organization know, and now there is so much egg on the face of the Mets organization they will be serving omelets to its opening day crowd.

This organization’s history of poor management is nothing new, and this latest faux pas is nothing less than showing the incompetence of this franchise starting right at the top.

Will I stop being a fan? Do I hope the Mets will lose 100 games this year? No, on both counts.

I have stuck with them since opening day in 1962 and I will be loyal to them forever. This doesn’t make me happy and if it takes another poor showing in 2010 in order to clean house, again, right from the top, I can live with that as well.

Let’s go Mets. And I think someone once said 37 years ago “You Gotta Believe.”

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