Analysis. History. Perspective.

Sports Then and Now

Welcome to Our New Design 150

Posted on July 21, 2009 by Dean Hybl
Sports Then and Now: Dean, Bethany and Nate

Sports Then and Now: Dean, Bethany and Nate

Welcome to the new design for Sports Then and Now.

After six months on Blogspot, we have switched over to a format that provides more opportunities and hopefully will result in an increase in interaction and involvement by passionate fans who enjoy today’s sports world, but also have an interest in the past.

My hope for this site is that you, as a passionate sports fan (if you found our site and have stuck around long enough to read this you must be passionate) will share your thoughts about what is happening in the sports world today while also sharing with us stories of the memories, players, teams and games that you remember most from the history of sports.

I have already lined up a number of great writers to share their stories and also have received submissions from regular fans who appreciate the opportunity to share their memories. Both are welcome.

In addition to revamping this site, we have also created three new sites that build on the Sports Then and Now theme. The first three city specific Sports Then and Now sites (Baltimore Sports Then and Now, Boston Sports Then and Now and Chicago Sports Then and Now) are designed to give sports fans of teams in those cities a one-stop shop to see what is happening today as well as reminisce about great teams, players and moments in the sports history of those cities.

My hope is that those sites will be exactly what passionate fans are looking for and will be just the start of a Sports Then and Now network of sites.

Please check them out and let me know what you think.

Some of the content on those sites will be added to this site, but most will be content original to that site.

So, please be patient as it will take a couple days to get the bugs out of this site, but please feel free to let me know what you like (or don’t like) and to share story ideas or send me new content to include on the site.

Also, I want to be sure and thank our web designer, Jessica Borsits, who has done a wonderful job. You can check out her site at

Thanks for being a supporter of Sports Then and Now.

Dean ([email protected])

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