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Archive for the ‘NBA’

Playing to Win Now Cost The Cleveland Cavaliers 2

Posted on July 09, 2010 by Dean Hybl

Reaction to LeBron James' decision was swift in Cleveland where some fans chose to burn his jersey.

Finally, the sideshow that has been the LeBron James free agency sweepstakes is over with the Miami Heat potentially as the big winner and the Cleveland Cavaliers (and potentially the rest of the NBA) as the big losers.

Even though the Heat currently don’t have enough players under contract to field a full roster,  on paper they quickly become one of the elite teams in the NBA with the addition of James and Chris Bosh to join Dwyane Wade in forming one of the best trios in NBA history.

James clearly has made this decision based on a desire to win multiple championships that will help solidify his place as one of the best players in NBA history.

However, as one of the “faces” of the NBA, James has taken a major risk that his previously pristine image will be able to withstand his first taste of being seen as a villain.

As could be expected, the reaction in Cleveland was immediate anger and a sense of betrayal. After seven seasons in which he lifted the franchise to NBA relevance for the first time in more than a decade, their hometown hero has left without producing that elusive championship.

For a city that has withstood many sports heartbreaks since last winning a title (NFL) in 1964, this is just the latest and perhaps most devastating blow.

That was illustrated immediately after James’ announcement with footage of a burning number 23 Cavaliers jersey and some bitter words from the owner of the Cavaliers. Read the rest of this entry →

It’s Official, LeBron James Has Ruined The NBA 14

Posted on July 08, 2010 by John Wingspread Howell

LeBron James and Dwyane Wade will bring smiles to Miami, but frowns around the rest of the NBA.

LeBron James has gone over to the dark side.

In hindsight, those who said he had already left Cleveland in his heart by the last game of the semis against Boston were probably right. It seems he had already left. Perhaps he hadn’t chosen his new destination– hence the hyped courtship process he created– but it appears that he’s known where he wouldn’t be playing for several weeks.

Don’t believe what he said on ESPN, how hard it was to leave, how loyal he is. Those are the words of spin doctors. Spoon fed to him, no doubt, to try and soften the blow back in the Mistake by the Lake. To keep him from having to send for his things because it’s too dangerous to set foot back in Northeast Ohio.

I don’t care what anyone says. There are some things that are worth more than money and there are some things that are even worth more than championships. There are certainly things that are worth more than championships won by a team full of ringers. Read the rest of this entry →

Cleveland, New York Could End Up Big Free Agency Losers 2

Posted on July 02, 2010 by Matt Petersen

Cleveland Cavaliers' LeBron James stands on the court against the Boston Celtics during the fourth quarter in Game 6 of their NBA Eastern Conference playoff basketball series in Boston, Massachusetts, in this May 13, 2010 file photo. July 1, 2010 marks the opening day of the free-agent signing period amid intense media speculation about whether James, the NBA's Most Valuable Player for the past two seasons, will remain at Cleveland. REUTERS/Adam Hunger/Files (UNITED STATES - Tags: SPORT BASKETBALL)

The NBA: where the mighty fall and the hopeful are crushed.

That’s the story for the Cleveland and New York, respectively. At least, that’s how it looks right now. Nothing is written in stone yet, but indications abound Cleveland and New York will be the big losers once the dust settles and the contracts are signed this summer.

First, Cleveland. Deep down, they know LeBron isn’t coming back. Why would he? Shaquille O’Neal is now officially irrelevant. Antawn Jamison showed the losing atmosphere in Washington had a deeper effect than anyone anticapated. Mo Williams is N0-Show-Williams come playoff time.

The Cavs are losing their homegrown superstar, and it’s debatable if they even know why. Big reason: they panicked and moved too soon to get LeBron help each time they made a move. LeBron wanted a number-two guy, so they went out and got a number three-or-four in Mo Williams. The Cavs needed an interior presence, so they got Shaq two years too late instead of looking at other options.

Despite all that, it’s hard not to feel for the city of Cleveland. It’s not the fans’ fault management never did quite well enough. Lack of fault won’t solve the lack of James however, and it will hurt. Who knows what the future of Cleveland basketball will look like…well, other than Antawn Jamison leading the tanking job for next year’s lottery, anyway.

Cleveland’s polar opposite, New York, is in equal danger of losing out on James, as well as anyone else of consequence. In a way, it’s just as disappointing to New Yorkers as James’ Cleveland departure will be. They’ve been told to put up with awful teams for two years, all the while being told, “Just hang with us ’till 2010. It’ll be worth it.” Read the rest of this entry →

NBA Free Agency: The Clock Strikes Midnight 1

Posted on July 01, 2010 by Jonathan Stallsmith

LeBron James is the prize of a high-stakes free agent class.

“Bong!  Bong!  Bong!”  It sounds like the start of AC/DC’s “Hell’s Bells,” and, last night, when the clock struck midnight, all hell broke loose.

Aside from the traditional Celtic playoff run, I don’t follow the NBA too closely.  (Although I did follow it closely enough to win two [of two] Fantasy Basketball leagues this year).  However, this offseason could be one of the most tumultuous we’ve ever experienced, so it’s time for me (and you) to clue in!

On July 1st (at midnight tonight), the bell will toll on the NBA’s free agency, and, this season, the bell tolls for several marquee free agents.

While the NBA tends to offer mega-contracts for mega-stars, there is talk that this year could be a re-shaping of values for some of the league’s highest profile players.

For about a year and a half, the NBA’s biggest rumors have circled around the league’s best player: LeBron James.  LeBron has spent his entire career with his local-in-Ohio Cleveland Cavaliers, and, at the age of 25, is entering his first go at the free agent market.  ESPN breaks down the pending free agency period, and, to put it simply, LeBron could command the maximum player contract. Read the rest of this entry →

What’s New Harry? Brave-Throat Revealed and The Plot Thickens 2

Posted on June 28, 2010 by John Wingspread Howell

Jack Ramsay had three winning campaigns during four seasons leading the Buffalo Braves.

This is part four of a satirical series.

“HSBC ASAP” the text read. I was pretty sure Brave-Throat didn’t mean One HSBC Center.

So I broke the limit on the 400 to the Thruway to the Niagara Extension. Two wheels on the ramp at Church Street. I didn’t know what else to do, so I pulled up right in front.

It was his favorite time, around three in the morning.

Sure enough. The black stretch was waiting for me. But this time he was getting out. “Come with me, Howell,” he said.

I followed him. He didn’t have keys but every door opened for him.

Into the facility. Lights were coming on automatically a step ahead of us. Soon enough we were inside the arena. There was hardwood on the floor. It was the old Braves floor. Exactly as it was in the Aud. Read the rest of this entry →

Brave-Throat: Metaphysics, Simple Math, The Super Bowl and the Stanley Cup 5

Posted on June 21, 2010 by John Wingspread Howell

This is part three in a series:

The second pick in the 1972 NBA draft, Bob McAdoo won three scoring titles in four full years with the Buffalo Braves.

This time he wanted to meet at the Anchor Bar. I thought it was rather bold, considering his secretive, back alley, after dark, jump in, jump out of a smoke-glass stretch limo style at the previous two meetings…until I realized he meant three in the morning, not three in the afternoon.

In the far end of the parking lot, the black limo dissolved into moonless darkness. I had a feeling it wasn’t just coincidence all the street lights within 50 yards were out.

I pulled up parallel to the limo, slid my window down and waited, as instructed. A moment later, the window next to me slid down.

“Hop in,” he said.

I obeyed.

“You don’t get it.” He complained.


“Why do you think I’ve been calling these meetings? I need you to take action. Start the ball dribbling, so to speak.”

“What’m I supposed to do?” I asked. “I’m just a Sports Then & Now contributor. A volunteer journalist. The largest audience I’ve had for an article is a couple of thousand, and that was my tongue-in-cheek prediction that the Bills would win the next Super Bowl.”

Read the rest of this entry →

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