5 Ways to Deck Yourself Out for Outdoor Sports Comments Off on 5 Ways to Deck Yourself Out for Outdoor Sports
There’s nothing like the feeling of the sun on your face and the wind in your hair during a refreshing hike, especially now that the weather is getting warmer. Before you set off, however, make sure that you’re prepared for whatever the great outdoors can throw at you.
Rain Protection
You never know when the sky will open up, but you can reduce the unpleasantness of a rainy day by including some waterproof gear with the rest of your camping or trekking equipment. If you’re going for a short trip, a hooded poncho might be enough. If you’ll be miles from civilization when a storm hits, you’ll want a jacket made from high-quality nylon or polyester canvas with a breathable lining.
Some people like to follow old-fashioned paper maps. Others prefer the ease and convenience of technological gadgets like handheld GPS systems. There’s no right or wrong answer when it comes to how you comb through the wilderness, but make sure that you have everything you need to utilize your chosen tools. For example, if you’ll be using electronic navigation devices, you’ll want to bring along solar charging equipment as well.
Cold Weather Gear
It’s always a good idea to pack a few pieces of cold weather gear if you’ll be spending a long time outdoors. Even if the forecast promises sun, a breeze or high altitude might make you shiver, and temperatures usually drop at night anyway. Stick a few long sleeve performance shirts in your backpack to keep yourself warm no matter what the weather or terrain is like. Read the rest of this entry →