Summer Sports: Best Activities for Busy Kids This Season Comments Off on Summer Sports: Best Activities for Busy Kids This Season
Summer has arrived, and now that your kids are out of school for the summer, it’s time to keep them busy with some outdoor sports. Their summer vacation gives them a well-earned break from books, tests, and grades, and the opportunity to enjoy nature and exercise will fill their time. Use the summer to get them interested in a new sport or hobby. Here are some of the best ways to occupy their time.
Swimming for Fun and Safety
Swimming is a favorite summer sport that can include the whole family. To build on your children’s comfort and skills in the water, consider signing them up for swimming lessons through your local parks and recreation district. Swimming is a fun sport for developing athletic skills and endurance, but it is also a practical skill that every child should learn for safety around bodies of water.
Enjoying Nature: Hiking
Hiking is a family-friendly summer sport that offers kids the opportunity to develop an interest in our natural world. Trees, wildflowers, and wildlife provide a hands-on educational experience about the environment, and the peace of the beautiful outdoors will build a passion for exploring nature. Structured hiking opportunities can include children’s camps and group nature hikes that will develop athletic endurance and outdoor skills. Read the rest of this entry →