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Sports Then and Now

NHL Lockout Blues: This Video Will Make You MISS Hockey EVEN MORE..If That’s Possible 2

Posted on January 04, 2013 by Joe Gill


The NHL is approaching the deadline to cancel yet ANOTHER season.

The players are IRATE with the league’s negotiating tactics.

The “BRAND” has become an UTTER joke.

The businesses/cities are losing MILLIONS.

The fans are PISSED off and are at wit’s end.

The video below put together by Janne Makkonenwho brought to you the EMOTIONAL and EPIC “Together We Can” masterpiece, encapsulates the SORRY state of the greatest game (not for long) on the planet.

Hockey fans are the MOST DEDICATED in all of sport.

And they get WALKED on the most!

NO Hockey For The Holidays: NHL Lockout? Bah Humbug (A Very Gary Christmas Celebration) (VIDEO) 1

Posted on December 19, 2012 by Joe Gill

Hockey fans everywhere are TRYING to keep CALM and SURVIVE the latest lockout as it enters it’s FOURTH month.

What a great Xmas present the NHL has given it’s fans during this holiday season!


Well, the NHL owners will feel the wrath of the fans when the game returns hopefully in 2013.

When it comes to buying merchandise and renewing season tickets, the fans will be the GRINCH and SCROOGE the owners where it hurts.

In their HUGE wallets…



ST&N Tip Of The Cap To Angry NHL Fans!


Posted on November 15, 2012 by Joe Gill

***Click To Enlarge***

The NHL Lockout is TWO MONTHS old already and the fans are trying to SURVIVE.

And find things to do until the NHL & NHLPA get their heads out of their……

You can fill in the blank!

Until then here are some ideas how to spend your time outside of wishing BODILY HARM on Gary Bettman.

The NHL Gives Fans & Business Owners The FINGER By Canceling All November Games 2

Posted on October 26, 2012 by Joe Gill

If Fans Accept It Now, It Will Be Easier To Cope.

The NHL continues their BULLYING tactics against the NHLPA. Their “take it or leave it” mentality has cost hockey fans everywhere the thing they LOVE. “The Grinch That Will Steal Another Season” AKA Gary Bettman announced that all games in November have been cancelled.

Can it get ANY WORSE?


Rumors are swirling that Bettman The Bastard will cancel the NHL All-Star Game & the Winter Classic this coming Monday. The league is going to scrap one of the few things they have done right…..the spectacle and money making machine that is the Winter Classic. The game was to feature the Red Wings and Maple Leafs at the Big House at the University Of Michigan.

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Time To DIG IN: NHLPA NOT THRILLED With The NHL’s Latest Proposal Comments Off on Time To DIG IN: NHLPA NOT THRILLED With The NHL’s Latest Proposal

Posted on October 17, 2012 by Joe Gill

Donald Fehr Is Not Going To Accept An Unfair Proposal Just To Do It.

The CAUTIOUS optimism with the NHL’s latest proposal has NOT been met with great enthusiasm. Bob McKenzie of TSN obtained Donald Fehr’s letter to players & agents:

 “Simply put, the owners’ new proposal, while not quite as Draconian as their previous proposals, still represents enormous reductions in player salaries and individual contracting rights. As you will see, at the 5 per cent industry growth rate the owners predict, the salary reduction over six years exceeds $1.6 billion. What do the owners offer in return?”

– “The proposal does represent movement from their last negotiating position, but still represents very large, immediate and continuing concessions by players to owners, in salary and benefits (the Players’ Share) and in individual player contracting rules.”

On some of the specific aspects of the NHL proposal:

– “They want to “clarify” HRR definition and rules. It is not immediately clear what this means, but so far all of their ideas in this regard have had the effect of reducing HRR, and thereby lowering salaries.”

– “The Players’ Share is reduced to 50 per cent from 57 per cent immediately — this season. This is a reduction in the share of 12.3 per cent. On last year’s revenue numbers, this would mean that players’ salaries would be cut by about $231 million.”

– “The proposal includes a “Make Whole” provision, to compensate players for the anticipated reduction in absolute dollars from last year (2011-12), to this year and next year. However, it would work like this. The Players Share in subsequent years would be reduced so that this “Make Whole” payment would be made. It is players paying players, not owners paying players. That is, players are “made whole” for reduced salaries in one year by reducing their salaries in later years.”

– “Finally, they also proposed that the players could appeal supplemental or commissioner discipline to a neutral arbitration, on a “clearly erroneous” standard, which, as a practical manner, makes it very unlikely that any decision would be overturned.”

The final two paragraphs of the letter sums up where Fehr believes the process is at and reinforces the players’ position on all issues:

– “We do not yet know whether this proposal is a serious attempt to negotiate an agreement, or just another step down the road. The next several days will be, in large part, an effort to discover the answer to that question.”

– “Bear in mind the approach that the Players have taken to these negotiations. It is:

– Given the enormous concessions players made in the last round, plus 7 years of record revenue reaching $3.3 billion last season, there is no reason for a reduction in the amount the players receive.

– Players are willing to take reduced share going forward so that the NHL can grow out of whatever problems some franchises face.

– The player contracting rights secured in the last negotiations should be, at minimum, maintained.

– Revenue sharing needs to be enhanced and structured so as to encourage revenue growth by the receiving teams.

– The overall agreement has to be fair and equitable for both parties. Bargaining is both give and take.”

Read the rest of this entry →

NHL’s Latest Offer Is A NO Win Situation For The NHLPA 4

Posted on October 16, 2012 by Joe Gill

Gary Bettman Does Not Care About The Fans Or The Game.

The NHL Lockout is a month old and games have been cancelled through October 24th.

Hockey fans were praying for hockey by Thanksgiving or at the worst by the Winter Classic. Or some MOST were thinking another season would go up in flames due to GREED.

Today the NHL presented their latest deal which entails the following:

The NHL put a new offer on the bargaining table for the NHL Players’ Association on Tuesday morning, which includes a 50/50 split of hockey-related revenue and contingent on an 82-game season beginning Nov. 2.

“We hope we’ve given our best shot,” NHL commissioner Gary Bettman told reporters on Tuesday afternoon.

Best shot really? How about your best shot back in 2004-5 so this mess NEVER happened?

This is a NO WIN SITUATION for the NHLPA.  If they take the deal they lose 7% of the revenue that the owners AGREED to back in the LAST lockout. Now The players have to play more games during a condensed schedule.

Which means….MORE INJURIES, so the NHL can re-coop their losses.

If the NHLPA turns down this offer, they now look like the “BAD GUYS” in this. The NHL would win the PR battle that they are losing right now by a LANDSLIDE.

The owners & “GREEDY GARY” have backed the NHLPA in the corner. The players will have to accept the offer or the fans will turn on them. Just what the NHL wants.


I want hockey more than anyone, but I also want this league to become stable and not the LAUGHING STOCK of organized sports.

If I was Donald Fehr, I would tell Gary Bettman to SHOVE IT!

Bettman does not care about you (the fans), the players or the game. He just wants to line the pockets of the owners… he twists his handlebar mustache and while he sports his EVIL grin.

More On This Developing Story:

CSNNE –NHL makes 50/50 offer to NHLPA in negotiations Bettman media availability transcript

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    • Harold Jackson: Unsung Star WR
      December 12, 2024 | 4:24 pm

      The Sports Then and Now Vintage Athlete of the Month is one of the most underappreciated wide receivers in NFL history, despite boasting a career that spanned 16 seasons and saw him excel as one of the league’s premier deep threats. Known for his speed, route-running, and ability to make plays downfield, Harold Jackson left an indelible mark on the game during an era that was not yet pass-heavy. Standing at 5’10” and weighing 175 pounds, he defied expectations of size to become a dominant force on the field. Over the course of his illustrious career (1968–1983), Jackson totaled 10,372 receiving yards and 76 touchdowns, placing him among the top receivers of his time.

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