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Sports Then and Now

How Online Sports Betting Evolved Throughout History Comments Off on How Online Sports Betting Evolved Throughout History

Posted on August 06, 2020 by Luther Abrams
Image source: Pinterest

Online sports betting began in 1996 when the first online wager was placed on a website for an FA Cup soccer game. Since then, sports betting has changed, and it has gone on to be one of the most profitable gambling sectors in history.

Today, many use the internet to place their wagers on sports events. It’s contributed heavily to the online betting industry, which is now worth billions of dollars. With its seemingly unstoppable rise and popularity, it’s also expected to expand and reach even greater heights in the near future.

But as we all know, the future wouldn’t happen if there was no history. This article will focus on how online sports betting got to where it is today. Here’s how online sports betting evolved throughout history.

Regulation and legislation changes

When the sports betting industry first took off, it wasn’t regulated closely enough. Most websites had licenses to operate and provide services without having to comply with strict requirements. So back then, scam sites were difficult to distinguish until someone’s already been victimized by one.

Nowadays, thanks to the regulation and legislation changes in different countries, players are now more secure. They can be confident that their information and money are safe, especially now that many online gambling jurisdictions exist to legalize and license those who want to operate and provide gambling services online. There’s still room for improvement, but we definitely have a safer betting environment now.

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Why Online Betting Is Addictive Comments Off on Why Online Betting Is Addictive

Posted on June 04, 2020 by Cathy Carter

Online betting refers to the gambling services that are offered by betting sites. Betting comes with addiction which sometimes becomes hard for an individual while quitting. Individuals who gamble keep doing so to avoid depression and stress. Many players usually bet to get some sense of excitement more especially when they win. Betting can be done in sports like football, racing, or playing poker with friends. Quitting betting is never easy for any individual but it can be done with the help of a social support group who are experienced and qualified in handling such matters related to addiction.

Below are some of the reasons why betting is addictive;


Betting comes with a sense of fun that players majorly gain when they win. However, not every individual who visits the gambling site has the motive or objective of winning. Some usually after a long day’s activity just want to visit the sites and have fun by betting and finding an activity to do.


The desire and desperation for money usually make individuals involve in betting activities. When individuals bet and win some money through sites such as ufabet, they gain the morale of betting continuously even if they lose next. This continuous process of losing and winning becomes habitual and hard for an individual to stop. An individual, therefore, becomes addicted and keeps hope alive about winning anytime. In some cases, life becomes challenging to people with no job or source of employment more so the youths and the only option left is to stake some money with the hope of getting much more.

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What are Bitcoin Casinos and Why are They So Important in the Esports Market? Comments Off on What are Bitcoin Casinos and Why are They So Important in the Esports Market?

Posted on May 27, 2020 by Adam Smith

In today’s era cryptocurrencies are in high demand nowadays. One of them is Bitcoin. Bitcoin is a decentralized digital currency without the support of any central bank. The transaction can be done online from one user to the other on the peer-to-peer bitcoin network without the support of intermediaries. They can be exchanged for products, services, transactions, online payments, and much more throughout the whole world. Bitcoin casinos are those casinos that allow online transactions with the help of bitcoin while playing games online thereby making the whole process very quick and prompt. These casinos come with lots of rewards and prizes attracting a large number of players online. Not only that, but these casinos can also be accessed from anywhere throughout the whole world and people enjoy using them. They have become famous due to fast deposits and withdrawals, low charges, and a variety of games to play online using cryptocurrency.

The following features make a Bitcoin casino more reliable than a traditional casino: –

  • User interface– These online casinos are very user friendly and can be accessed by a player on personal computers or laptops. They allow quick registrations and are password protected as a result of which they have the highest forms of encryption and security.
  • Online activity– They have 24/7 live hours of support and have a space for a public forum and live chat too. So as a result of this more players can interact and can provide feedback regarding anything they wish to. 
  • Encryption– They have high means of encryption during the online transactions using cryptocurrency. Personal information is never shared with anyone and it is always hidden to the public.
  • Variety of games– Bitcoin casinos have a wide range of games starting from spinning the reels on slot games to making a wager on the poker hand online along with some VIP perks and promotions. The games are launched on the best software available in the market and are easy to play online. 
  • Exciting bonuses– These casinos have exciting bonuses like welcome bonuses, reload bonuses, etc, and rewards for the players online and have free registration access. As a result of which a large number of people are attracted to them and find it more interesting to play games online.
  • Support– Online operators present in the casinos help the players to know more about the opportunities and the rewards and also provide assistance on the usage of bitcoins. They are very well experienced on matters related to cryptocurrencies and one can easily seek help from them whenever required. 
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9 Things to Keep in Mind When Choosing a Gambling Site 3

Posted on March 04, 2020 by Muhammad Saood

Gambling can be a complex business it can be fun and also quite advantageous if you get it right. You can turn a small amount of money into a lot of it. But, picking a gambling site can be arduous, a site that fits your needs, and the one you enjoy on.

Below are some tips you need to consider when choosing an online gambling site:

Choose your bet wisely

Almost all online gambling site offers action on college sports, NBA, etc. and then some offer betting on more obscure events like football, cricket, tennis, golf, rugby or even political betting. Now, this entirely depends on you and your interest, who do you want to bet on.

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Best Tips to Choose the Right Online Casino for Gambling Comments Off on Best Tips to Choose the Right Online Casino for Gambling

Posted on December 15, 2019 by Cathy Carter

Thеrе аrе numerous оnlіnе casinos thаt уоu саn сhооѕе tо play уоur fаvоrіtе games. Eасh саѕіnо оffеrѕ dіffеrеnt games аnd bеnеfіtѕ, wіth attractive bоnuѕеѕ аnd оngоіng promotions tо attract уоu tо thеіr business. 

Undеrѕtаndаblу, уоu ѕhоuld bе cautious bеfоrе ѕіgnіng uр аt аnу online саѕіnо аnd dероѕіtіng уоur hаrd-еаrnеd mоnеу іntо thе gtrbet рlауеr’ѕ саѕіnо ассоunt. But hоw dо уоu knоw іf аn оnlіnе саѕіnо іѕ rіght fоr уоu? Whаt аrе thе thіngѕ tо consider whеn dесіdіng tо ѕіgn uр fоr a casino? If уоu аrе соnfuѕеd аbоut whісh оnе tо сhооѕе, bеlоw аrе thе 4 tірѕ thаt wіll help you make a better decision. 

1. Check Legitimate Оnlіnе Саѕіnо

Thеrе аrе mаnу mоrе unauthorized casinos (саѕіnоѕ thаt cheat mоnеу) оn thе Intеrnеt thаn lеgіtіmаtе оnlіnе саѕіnоѕ. If уоu ассіdеntаllу ѕіgn uр аnd dероѕіt уоur mоnеу іn аn unаuthоrіzеd саѕіnо, уоu wіll probably nеvеr hаvе a сhаnсе tо wіthdrаw уоur money frоm thе саѕіnо. Evеn іf уоu hаvе еxріrеd аnd mеt thе саѕіnо wіthdrаwаl rеԛuіrеmеntѕ, rоguе casinos hаvе ѕеvеrаl rеаѕоnѕ tо prevent уоu frоm putting уоur mоnеу іn уоur pocket. Thеrеfоrе, іt іѕ іmроrtаnt tо сhооѕе a lеgіtіmаtе аnd hіghlу reputable оnlіnе саѕіnо tо play wіth. Thеѕе online саѕіnоѕ hаvе typically bееn vеrіfіеd bу аn independent rеgulаtоr ѕuсh аѕ еCOGRA (Rеgulаtіоn аnd Guаrаntее fоr Onlіnе Ecommerce Gаmеѕ), аlоng wіth audited рауmеnt сеrtіfісаtіоnѕ аѕ a secure оnlіnе саѕіnо. 

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How The Online Gambling Industry Has Grown Over Time Comments Off on How The Online Gambling Industry Has Grown Over Time

Posted on July 21, 2019 by John Harris

Online gambling is one of the people’s favorite pastimes.  Whether you live in The United States, Canada, Australia, or anywhere else in the world, people enjoy gambling real money over the Internet.  Whether you’re betting on your favorite sports team, playing an online casino table game or online slots, the opportunities are endless.  However, before the Internet existed, people had to play games at land casinos or play their games at an underground casino.  Also, folks that bet on sports had to go to a physical casino in Nevada or use the services or a local bookie.  Now, you can pick your mobile Smartphone or tablet up and gamble on the go.  However, it was not always so easy.

Online Gambling In The Early Days Of The Internet

The Internet started to get popular In the 1990s. It didn’t take long before people and companies started to launch online casinos.  However, back then the desktop computers were so slow you literally were using a dial-up modem.  Remember, the days when AOL was your preferred Internet browser?  Well, maybe you are too young :).  Back in the 1990’s and early 2000’s people had to interact with their online casino or sports betting site using their desktop computer.  Most of the time, you had a choice to download the software to your desktop and play the games from there. In other cases, you could play the real money casino games instantly in your Internet browser.

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