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Rubbernecking: The Social Media Blitz in Sports 1

Posted on August 21, 2009 by Joe Gill
Ocho Cinco knows twitter.

OchoCinco knows twitter.

All I have to say is WOW! T.O. tweeting about the Buffalo Bills draft pick signing before Adam Schefter from ESPN reported it. Chad OchoCinco tweeting about his FG kick and kick off against New England and doing it literally within seconds of the game ending (who knows, he may have had a waterproof IPhone in the shower).

I had a bad case of insomnia last night, so I tuned into Ocho video streaming from the Bengals team plane! Great content, especially Ocho’s commentary about the Panini he was eating (HBO’s Hard Knocks must love this guy). It’s rubbernecking at its finest, sometimes you just gotta look!

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