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Secrets of Writing a Good Sports Management Research Proposal

Posted on June 19, 2019 by Alex Buffet
Sports Management and Coaching Science as a Career

The better your research proposal is, the more chances your application has. Sports management sounds like an engaging topic, but at the same time, it is not that easy to write a quality research proposal on it, as, strictly speaking, it is not a theme with an extensive academic background. You should be very careful when it comes to writing proposals, as the material you collect doing it, will come in handy when you write an actual research paper or dissertation. Often, the research paper is a background for your future dissertation, and coming up with a good research proposal, based on quality rationally, with quality described methodology is a key to success for years to come. We asked some experts from research proposal writing service WriteMyPaperHub to share some helpful tips with students.

Clear and Precise Title

There is not much room for creativity here, but still, you should remember that the title should be engaging enough. Your professor or thesis committee are obligated to read your sports management research proposal, but again they will see if you don’t care about the title. Come up with the name of your research proposal, thinking about the broader audience. At the same time, make it very clear and rather simple, so a reader can tell what your key idea is just reading your title, not digging too deeply.

Easy-to-Understand Background

Here you write some words about your discipline if needed give brief characteristic to it. You can also include a short literature review at this point. Remember, that research proposal can’t exceed seven pages, and normally it is only 4-5 pages long, so you should be rather brief when describing the background of the problem you want to research. The rationale of the chosen topic is also described in this chapter. You should not forget to include a summary of the most up-to-date discussions regarding the issue in the field.

Engaging Research Questions You Are Willing to Address

Once you are done giving rationale and making your audience aware of discussions around the issue, it’s time to prove why what you want to research is worth researching and exploring. You should give an overall explanation of why the listed research questions are valuable and how answering them, or even digging into them can influence the industry or a scientific field.

Research Methods You Plan to Employ

The methodology is one of the most boring parts to read and to write because it describes the process, not your aspirations or results you are willing to get. You have to emphasize your research approach and theoretical resources are employed. You make a list of methods applicable to this kind of research, and later explain why they should be preferred in this case and which benefits and limitations they have. Don’t forget about describing limitation of the chosen methods, this way your proposal looks more well-thought-out.

Plans Which Cover Your Sports Management Research and Time Schedule

There are two basic plans you should approve when applying with your sports management research proposal. First, you need an actual outline of your research stages, next, you need a time schedule. Often, once your outline is approved you combine it with timetable, but sometimes professors want to see everything together. Don’t be too ambitious in this regard, and give yourself extra time for emergencies and unplanned situations.


You should list all the references, all the sources listed in your paper while writing a research proposal from scratch. Don’t forget about formatting according to the required citation style — APA, MLA, etc. It won’t hurt if at this stage you allocate a full day for extensive proofreading. Pay attention not only to grammar but to originality and style. Read your sports management research proposal aloud to find too long sentences and awkward phrases.

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