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5 Must-Haves For A Fitness Addict

Posted on April 05, 2016 by Alexandra Griffin

WeightlifterFitness and working out became a significant part of our lives in the past few years. It is hard to find someone who does not spend hours sweating at the gym or at least jogging in the mornings. Healthy eating is a real new lifestyle. But if one is taking all this fitness routine serious – it is time to check the must have list and add a few more items to your special workout drawer.

    In the era of digital gadgets and overall tech progress, when you can play online video poker casinos at home and use drones to deliver a pizza, it is hard to define what one really needs and what is imposed upon us by the media and advertising. Here is the list of what we think will be worthy to buy to improve your daily routine.

  1. Trainers

    A pair of good trainers or sneakers is the first thing one should take care of before starting working out. That should be a high-quality pair that fits your size and does not cause any troubles while walking and doing any other activity. The best ones are those you do not feel at all. It is highly advised not to buy shoes online especially via AliExpress and other platforms alike. Because you never know what you get. As a result, such shoes can even harm you.

  1. Watch

    The second must have item in the list. Pick the one which is waterproof and anti-shock. There are models for any taste and budget. The best ones include pace counter and stopwatch. These are very helpful if you are taking your workouts serious. Check if it fits your wrist before buying. Advanced models also have MP3 players to entertain you while training. There are some doubts about the comfort of listening to music via the watch, however there lots of fans of such models as well.

  1. Thera-band

    This simple device is awesome for stretching any muscle group. It turns any workout into pleasure showing off better results without sparing much effort for training. Muscles are growing easier and faster, and you do not need any other special equipment. Your gym is constricted to a string with two metal or plastic (or any other suitable material) handles. All you do is stretch them and watch your body transforming.

  1. Video blog

    Not the one you maintain, but the one you follow. If you are not a pro fitness trainer, of course. Each of us sticks to some channel on YouTube or Facebook publics. Why not to find a nice and useful blog to get more life hacks and fine ideas on improving your body? Choose videos because there you will surely see how this or that workout is performed. That will save you from the mistakes.

  1. Power ball

It does not matter what sport you are in, power ball is a must have. Together with the thera-band it shortens the time of your workout making it more resultative. The Internet is stuffed with videos and tutorials for using it right. You will always find something new there.

0 to “5 Must-Haves For A Fitness Addict”

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  12. Paul says:

    Interesting thoughts, actually. Thanks for sharing it with us. Can't say anything wrong about sneakers or trainers, it is really must have, but not sure about video blog and power ball. Must have is something which is so essential that lack of it could be a disaster. That is why I don't think these two things are so crucial. I have been training for many years and still is fine without ball, for example. Probably must-haves in sport is very individual.

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