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Archive for the ‘Outdoor Activities’

Owning a Horse – What You Need to Know Comments Off on Owning a Horse – What You Need to Know

Posted on December 14, 2018 by Dara Cruz

owning horsePlaying the sports or being a part in the betting shouldn’t be your only focus, especially if you are about to own a horse or is planning to own one. Before buying an equine companion at home, you should first know the things that you need to learn about the basics of good horse care.

In order to make the horse be in its best ability and good condition, its owner should be aware of a horse’s health condition and vital status as part of one’s responsibility in raising a horse — especially if the horse is planned to be joined in a competition such as the Pegasus world cup. Want to know how to take good care of your equine pal? Here’s how:

Preparing the Horse’s Area

Your horse needs a proper place to stay, right? Its environment heavily contributes on its health and wellness, thus at the very least provide its needs such as making sure that its pasture is free from hazards like holes, loose wire fences, and rusty farm machinery.

Add it up with safe fencings, like using plastic, wooden, mesh wire fencing or vinyl rails. You take these safety area precautions so that your horse is free from injuries obtained from harmful fencing. Read the rest of this entry →

Teaching Your Kids Team Spirit and Sportsmanship 1

Posted on December 07, 2018 by Jessica Peters

team-2444978_1920Getting your children interested in sports is one of the most important things you can do for them, for a number of reasons. A child who is interested in sport is more likely to participate in it themselves, and this can help them keep fit and healthy. Children who exercise and participate in sports regularly are much more likely to do the same in adulthood, so it can bring lifelong benefits. Sports also teach us the important social skills of sportsmanship and being a team player, so here are four simple ways that encourage your kids to develop these vital attributes.

Watch Lots of Sport

Watching a sport is great fun, and your children will enjoy it even more if they can do it with their mom or dad and if they have a particular team they can cheer on. People of all ages can learn a lot from watching sport, but one of the most important lessons is that working smoothly with people as part of a team can bring great results. Even Steph Curry, for example, knows when it’s best to pass to a Warriors teammate rather than taking a shot on himself. This can be a vital lesson for young people to learn, encouraging them to think about ‘we’ rather than just ‘me’.

Learn to Trade and Share

Loving sport can give a child many happy memories that stay forever, but it’s not simply watching the sport, or even taking part in it, that’s fun. There are lots of family friendly activities that are spin offs from sport, and one of the most enjoyable is trading pin collecting. A team pin can be a thing of real beauty, and many children and adults love to wear the pin of the team they support, whether that be in football, baseball, hockey, basketball or soccer. Many children also trade club pins with school friends or at special trading events. These not only allow your child to grow their collection, it means that they learn how to trade fairly, and how sharing can bring rewards. Read the rest of this entry →

Getting Into a New Sport 1

Posted on November 09, 2018 by John Harris

We all know well the benefits and advantages of taking up a new sport. Not only does engaging in some kind of sport help keep your fitness in check, but it can also be a great way to ensure that you are socially healthy too. Actually, sports can be a particularly good way of ensuring that you are spending time with others, and this is something that is worth bearing in mind if you are wondering whether or not you should do so yourself. If you do want to get into a new sport, and you are not entirely sure where to begin, it might help to take a read of what’s below. In this article, we have put together some of the best advice on getting into a new sport, so that you can hopefully find it much easier to do so. As long as you have considered the following, you might find yourself getting started in a new sport before too long, and enjoying the numerous benefits that come along with that.


Deciding on Your Sport

Probably a good first step here is to make sure that you are aware of what sport you would most like to get into. There are so many sports out there which are played every day that you can’t even count them, so you know that you are not going to run out of ideas here. In fact, you might find that you have the opposite problem, and you actually struggle to narrow it down to a few sports you might like to try. Nonetheless, that is a good way of going about it, and it’s worth trying to find a way to bring your list of potential sports down to just one or two that seem worthwhile and interesting to you.

It can often be the case that a particular life situation means that you are going to lean more to one or two particular sports. For instance, it might be that your local neighborhood has a baseball team and not much else, in which case you might choose to go for that. Or you might be tall, and consider you have good chance in the world of basketball. But in general, assuming you have a number of sports to choose from, it should mostly be about what you genuinely think you would enjoy most of all. Read the rest of this entry →

5 Best Water Sports That Are Easy to Learn Comments Off on 5 Best Water Sports That Are Easy to Learn

Posted on October 17, 2018 by Martin Banks

When the weather is warm, there is no better place to be than out on the water — but sitting in a boat or lounging in a tube can get boring after a while. Learning a new water sport might seem like a daunting task, but there are plenty of options that are fun and easy to learn. Here are five examples that might help you find your next favorite summertime water activity.

Image: wiki commons

Image: wiki commons

1. Paddle Boarding

If surfing looks like fun but you feel like you might not have the balance or the lower body strength to brave those waves, paddle boarding can be a great alternative. This water sport involves standing on a large flat board that’s similar to a surfboard but designed to be more stable. You navigate the paddle board with a large paddle, similar to the one you would use on a canoe but with a longer handle.

It doesn’t take a lot of balance or skill to use a paddleboard. In fact, some places even hold yoga classes on them, if that gives you an idea of how stable these wide boards can be on the water.

2. Canoeing/Kayaking


If speed isn’t your thing but you still want to get out and start exploring your local waterways, getting into a canoe or a kayak can be a great way to do that. These two watercraft are similar in that they are small, self-powered boats designed to fit one or two people, but that’s where the similarities end.

Canoes are open, while kayaks have enclosed seats you need to slip your legs into. Canoes flood if they capsize, while a skilled kayak pilot can flip themselves back upright without ever getting out of the kayak.

Both of these boats take some upper body strength to maneuver, but they can be a great way to get out and enjoy the water.

3. Wakeboarding

Now we’re getting into the really fun stuff. Wakeboarding is done on a board your feet are secured to — similar to a snowboard — while you’re hanging on to a rope tied to the back of a boat. The goal of wakeboarding, as its name suggests, is to ride the wake of the boat.

Skilled wakeboarders can use the wake of the boat that is towing them to launch themselves into the air and do some fantastic tricks, but you might want to focus on staying upright first. It’s not a hard skill to learn, though it does take some practice.

4. Water Skiing


This is an iconic water sport that involves strapping two wooden skis to your feet and skimming across the surface of the water at high speeds. It takes a bit more balance than wakeboarding — as well as some lower body strength to control the skis — but it can be easy to learn and an absolute blast.

For beginners, it’s recommended that you start with your skis tied together, which keeps your feet from going in two different directions when you start moving and saves you from some potentially painful splits.

5. Jet Skiing

If you want to get some serious speed without worrying about faceplanting into the water, hopping on a jet ski might be the best water sport for you. When you rent a jet ski for the first time, you’ll get a crash course on how to use it safely. Once you have the basics down, though, it can be a fantastic way to speed around on the water. You might even be able to do some tricks if you catch a wave or the wake from a passing boat.

Choosing the Right Boat

If you find a water sport you really love, you might balk at spending the money to pick up the equipment yourself, but it can save you a lot of money on rentals in the long run. Regardless, it’s important to choose the right boat for the sport you’re participating in. Ski boats are designed to reach optimum speed quickly to get you out of the water and onto your skis, while wakeboard boats are designed to generate more wake for the boarders to enjoy.

Once you’ve got a boat and have chosen your sport, all you need to do is find yourself a pilot and get out on the water!

Famous Runners with Flat Feet 4

Posted on September 12, 2018 by Joe Fleming
Alan Webb

Alan Webb

Nobody would ever argue that their flat feet offered any physical advantage to their fitness regime. Instead, the postural deformity of fallen arches is known to cause an array of uncomfortable complications, including Achilles tendonitis, arthritis, plantar fasciitis, or shin splints.

However, in modern times, flat feet are no longer considered to be the immovable obstacles that they once were, and these troubles are hardly enough to prevent ambitious runners from reaching their full potential. In fact, many of the world’s greatest runners who were seemingly cursed by flat feet still managed to find a way to move faster than anyone else. To celebrate these triumphs, here is a list of three highly impressive flat-footed athletes, who will hopefully motivate you to keep your own arches marching.

Saïd Aouita

Considered one of the first famous Arab sportspeople, Moroccan born Saïd Aouita boasts an extensive list of achievements which left his competitors in the dust. His passion was firmly fixed to the track and field events, and he left his permanent mark on that scene when he won the 5,000 meters at the 1984 Summer Olympics. Saïd’s impressive résumé doesn’t end there either, as he’s set many world records too, including the fastest time for the 1,500 meters (at 3:29.46), 2,000 meters (at 4:50.80), 3,000 meters (at 7:29.45), and twice for the 5,000 meters (at 13:00.40 and 12:58.39). What’s more, these are only a small portion of the man’s complete accomplishments.

Despite attaining such monumental successes, Saïd Aouita admits that his fallen arches have been an issue during his entire career. ”My only problem is that I have flat feet, which promotes tendinitis,” he admitted to French newspaper L’Equipe. Since then, Aouita has credited his special shoes for providing the additional support he needs, which is the same solution that many similar runners have discovered for themselves. Supplementing fallen arches with an orthotic insole can help balance out the pressure on your feet and better support the adjoining ligaments and tendons.

Alan Webb

In 2007, American track and field athlete Alan Webb broke the U.S. Record for the fastest mile time ever, clocking in at 3:46.91. Said record still remains unbeaten to this very day. Alan is also known for his representation of the United States during the 2004 Summer Olympics where he ran the 1,500-meter race. Due to such an impressive biography, it’s no surprise to anyone that Nike hired him to represent their brand from 2002 – 2013. Read the rest of this entry →

7 Tips To Becoming A Paintball Pro 1

Posted on July 24, 2018 by Shakshi Talwar

Becoming-A-Paintball-ProPaintballing is a sport that is always changing. Most individuals don’t realize it, but not only are the rules of the game changing, but the ways that individuals are playing the game are changing. Individuals are now undergoing relentless tactics and techniques at home to improve their game. So, what are of the best tips that can enhance your game and make you really stand out on the field?

Avoid Rapid Firing?

It is hard to deny that Extreme Sports Land offers some of the best paintball guns available on the market. In fact, if you are utilizing one of their guns it could be easy to expect to shoot anywhere from five to eight shots a second. In the heat of battle individuals can rapid fire at their targets, which can be both good and bad. If you aren’t completely careful you will find yourself with an empty chamber on the battlefield or constantly reload.

Be Careful Of Your Gas Supply

Most paintball guns are powered by pressurized carbon dioxide gas and each gun will only hold a certain amount of gas. While most advanced guns are only fitted with a twenty-ounce tank, this can run out pretty quick if you are constantly pulling the trigger. Always avoid dry firing the trigger when there are no pellets in the gun, because it will consume some of the energy from the 800 shots that you are allotted. Read the rest of this entry →

  • Vintage Athlete of the Month

    • Harold Jackson: Unsung Star WR
      December 12, 2024 | 4:24 pm

      The Sports Then and Now Vintage Athlete of the Month is one of the most underappreciated wide receivers in NFL history, despite boasting a career that spanned 16 seasons and saw him excel as one of the league’s premier deep threats. Known for his speed, route-running, and ability to make plays downfield, Harold Jackson left an indelible mark on the game during an era that was not yet pass-heavy. Standing at 5’10” and weighing 175 pounds, he defied expectations of size to become a dominant force on the field. Over the course of his illustrious career (1968–1983), Jackson totaled 10,372 receiving yards and 76 touchdowns, placing him among the top receivers of his time.

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