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Archive for the ‘Sports Fitness’

Healing Trauma with Sports Comments Off on Healing Trauma with Sports

Posted on November 14, 2020 by Marty Wolner

Playing team sports can heal a developing brain from the impact of emotional trauma and extreme stress and promote improved mental health.

Sure, it’s fairly obvious that playing team sports can be healthy for many reasons, but now the latest brain research shows how the natural and normal activities performed during team sports participation will actually heal the parts of the brain that may be underdeveloped or wounded by previous traumatic experience or current extreme stress. 

As an example, research indicates teenagers who participate in team sports have significantly lower rates of anxiety and depression while in high school and then also into adulthood.

More good news is that most athletes, parents, coaches and other sports mentors can quickly learn simple things to do intentionally while playing sports to heal the brain while achieving peak performance.

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Safety Tips for Playing Ice Hockey to Avoid Injury 1

Posted on November 07, 2020 by Ravi Jain

If you are new to playing ice hockey, you need to know some safety measures to avoid injury. The first step to start is purchasing the right kind of gear that supports your game and secures you. 

Ice hockey gear for safety

Check out all that you need and how to use:


When talking about preventing injuries, the first thing you need is a good helmet. Make sure the helmet you buy is certified for security. The helmets must come with a full facemask and protective chin strap and cup. Also, tighten the product to make sure it is fastened properly.


Buy the perfect pair of skates from a hockey shop that fits into your size. Lace them tightly and check if they fit comfortably. Hockey skates must offer ankle support. The toe cup should be made of hard plastic or steel. If you already have old skates, sharpen them to perform better. Not following this step can make your skates get stuck in the ice.

Pads for shoulders, elbows, shin, and knee 

Your uniform for playing ice hockey must include padding for elbows, shin, knee, and shoulders. It is similar to playing soccer, as you need ample protection. The shin and knee pads should be made of rigid plastic and reach the top of your skate’s area.

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Tips for Building Your Own Home Gym Comments Off on Tips for Building Your Own Home Gym

Posted on October 20, 2020 by Ori Amital

We know how hard it can be for all the fitness and gym enthusiasts there who were used to doing workout routines at the gym. Sadly, with the onset of the global COVID pandemic, it has become impossible to hit the gyms when everyone is advised to stay at homes and practice social distancing.

However, this step taken is for our own good – we learn now that gyms tend to be a hub for infection spread and must be avoided to the most, especially when a global pandemic situation is on the rise. It makes sense as the equipment can be infected with the virus because of a lot of people using it all the time. Moreover, the humid conditions in the gym can make it quite dangerous as it makes the virus easily transferable from one individual to another. In this regard, building a home gym can save you from getting the disease while you are also able to get all the benefits you want!

  1. Allocate a Specific Space

We all know that making a home gym requires firstly to have a separate space where you can adjust your material and do your exercises. However, what most people ignore is the space you are trying to take for the gym and how you will make different portions in the room. For example, many people will agree that having a yoga place in the room will be a wise option to choose from. In that regard, you need to allocate a space where you have enough space for doing meditation and yoga. Place a yoga mat and make sure space is not hoarded with sports equipment in the spot.

2. Paint it, Renovate it

Gyms don’t have to be boring, especially when you are likely to get demotivated fast. You can paint the place with vibrant colors to bring in the energy, and you can also paste some motivational posters to get you through the strenuous workouts. What’s more, adding some mirrors will help you see yourself clearly as you do different exercises. This way, you are able to keep a check on your formation and see how you can make the exercise more effective this way. Also, when you have created a professional environment like that in your home, you know there is no room for negligence when it comes to working with that body.

3. Have a Check for the Ventilation

This is something a lot of people forget to check but note the same problem once they ignore it. Make sure you have an exhaust system in your room so that there is no buildup of humidity that leads to suffocation. Moreover, there should be a proper ventilation portal through which the room doesn’t smell of sweat as you perform hardcore activities. Learn to be more systematic while checking for air passage and temperature control systems in the room. You cannot make a home gym with all the sports equipment efficient enough if it doesn’t have these systems in ideal control. Refer to a professional if you need to do it.

4. Arrange some Gadgets

Try to arrange some gadgets while you are on the go for making a gym at your home. These include an audio system, a TV set capable of HDMI cable, an internet-connected device or Wi-Fi system, speakers, and perhaps a DVD player. The idea is to make use of video and audio to add some life to the gym. You can watch any tutorial that you can follow in your gym or just play some energetic and motivating songs on the audio system to listen to while you do those squats and lunges at the home gym. Get the right environment that helps you boost your mood while you are doing exercises at your home gym.

5/ Get some Equipment

A home gym is incomplete without the use of sports equipment. Get all the basic equipment you need, from dumbbells to treadmills, from weight lift bars to step-up blocks. You can get a multitude of sports equipment available for you and expect to get the best results. The key is to find what suits you the most and what exercises you are expecting to do so you can get the sports equipment you want. Once you get them placed at the home gym, it is time to go with the routine and get those body goals accomplished without having to leave your doorstep.

Bottom Line

Anyone can build a home gym; you just have to create a space where you feel motivated and find no difficulty in managing so you can attain your fitness goals without any obstacle.

5 Ways to Stay Healthy Comments Off on 5 Ways to Stay Healthy

Posted on October 09, 2020 by John Harris

Staying healthy is a necessity for everyone. There is no substitute for good health. Staying healthy increases productivity and reduces the number of times our system falls to function effectively. Healthy living has numerous benefits and no disadvantage.

You can control your health by picking up healthy habits. Most people wait until the New Year starts before they set their health goals, but unfortunately, they write it on paper and do not implement them.

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An Overview of Basketball Injuries and How to Avoid Them 2

Posted on October 05, 2020 by John Harris

In the United States, basketball comes only second in popularity after football. Over 26 million Americans are known to participate in the sport, with a majority of being are college and high-school teams. However, as of 2017, basketball witnessed about 500,000 injuries, which is the highest, leaving behind football and cycling at 341,000 and 457,000, respectively, according to data released by the National Safety Council (NSC).

No wonder the global cartilage degeneration market is expected to reach $14,580.10 million by 2027, according to figures released by Report Linker. This number is mainly attributed to the growing incidents of sports-related injuries. Basketball knee braces can minimize the risk of meniscus tears and offer support through metal sidebars and silicone patella rings, according to experts at Aidfull. Besides investing in supports for basketball injuries, here are some tips recommended by professional players to avoid basketball injuries.

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The Most Common Track and Field Injuries Comments Off on The Most Common Track and Field Injuries

Posted on September 23, 2020 by Brooke Chaplan

No matter what steps an athlete takes to remain strong and healthy, they are probably going to experience at least a few injuries over the years. Luckily, many of the most common injuries won’t cause permanent damage as long as the athlete catches the early warning signs.

Shin Splints

Very few injuries are as common as shin splints, and practically every active individual will deal with this condition at some point. Shin splints can be caused by a myriad of issues, and that includes poor gait mechanics, flat feet, improper footwear, and tight muscles. Once the pain has subsided and your legs have healed, you will need to figure out exactly what is causing your shin splints if you want to avoid that discomfort in the future.

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