Posted on
May 23, 2017 by
Martin Banks
Most of us bowl for fun. It’s an activity both young and old can participate in, and it’s a chance to socialize and enjoy casual dining with friends. It’s an opportunity to wear a wacky shirt, maybe even one with your name stitched on it. The rental bowling shoes are always good for a laugh at you or your friends’ expense. Clown jokes abound and fun is had by all. Competition doesn’t get too fierce.

Everyone gets a strike now and then, or even has a hot streak where they get a few. However, maybe you are not just a good bowler, but a great one. Maybe you take it seriously every time and consistently get scores in the 200s. If a perfect 300 isn’t something that will only happen once in your lifetime, perhaps you can make a career out of your bowling skills.
Your main goal is to consistently beat your competition and always end your game with a high score. That sounds like a good start. Here are a few other things you need to know before you pursue it further.
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Tags: bowlingprosports
Scott Huntington
Posted on
September 15, 2014 by
Martin Banks
Everyone’s got at least one hobby.
It is the competitive nature of certain pastimes that raises the question as to whether they are sports or hobbies. A sport could be defined as a competitive activity that can be performed by an individual or team that is played against others for entertainment purposes. The activity typically involves both physical exertion and skill.
Meanwhile hobbies are understood to be activities done alone or with others in one’s spare time for personal enjoyment. You can immerse yourself in a myriad of ways such as exchanging sports trading cards with others, as well as playing with friends and family. While certain hobbies can be done competitively, practically all sports function on a timetable laid down by an organization responsible for governing all related competitions.
Compare that to competitive hobbies that are done in one’s selected free time.
Some pastimes can be performed either as hobbies or sports, which leads to some general confusion. Are the following activities hobbies or sports? Let’s find out!

We begin this list with a sport that is often associated with leisure time afforded to older retire gentlemen or a “paper pusher” hoping to make a good impression on his boss.
For some, golf is very much a hobby. This is because it is strictly done during free time. But this game’s long history suggests that it is indeed a sport.
The sport of golf meets all three major requirements to be considered such. Read the rest of this entry →
Tags: bowlingGolfscrapbookingsport or hobbyvideo gaming
General, Golf, Scott Huntington