Team Hoyt Dusts Off An Old Friend As They Prepare For Boston 7

Team Hoyt running Marine Corp Marathon in 1987 with their "old friend".
By Kathy Boyer/Todd Civin
True friends are like running chairs. They are always there when you need them and ready to get dusted off and asked to travel 26.2 miles with you at a moments notice.
Or something like that.
Dick and Rick (Team Hoyt) have been having a lot of trouble the last few years with their running chair. The chair that carried them through the most recent portion of their thousand, plus running events.
According to the calendar, Dick, like all of us, is getting older as he will be turning 70 on June 1. Rick is not only getting older (48), but is also, like all of us, putting on a bit of weight. Rick tips the scales at 148 pounds right now, while he was only 115 pounds as recently as two years ago. Rick is also having trouble with his back, the result of sitting in the running chair for long periods of time over the years, while Dick is having trouble with his breathing when running, coupled with some pain in his quads and legs.
While sitting in the running chair that Rick has been using for many years, his feet are tucked under him as he sits during race events. He has been quite uncomfortable for over a year now and Dick has been talking with engineers and others trying to get a new chair built for Rick. To this point they have not had much luck. Read the rest of this entry →