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Common Back Injuries and How Athletes Can Treat and Prevent Them Comments Off on Common Back Injuries and How Athletes Can Treat and Prevent Them

Posted on August 28, 2018 by Joe Fleming

BoltBack injuries are a common issue among athletes, especially those who compete at a high level.

For example, before he retired, Olympic sprinter Usain Bolt had to take a significant amount of time off from his sport to deal with severe back pain. Professional golfer Tiger Woods also had to take time off as he underwent surgery to repair a damaged disc.

You don’t have to be a professional athlete to suffer from a back injury, though. Whether you’re an amateur or a seasoned pro, it’s important to know how to treat and prevent these common back injuries.

Common Back Injuries

The following are the most common types of back injuries that athletes tend to experience:

Lower Back Injuries

Many athletes struggle with lower back injuries. The following are some of the most common injuries they experience:

  • Back strains (injuries to the soft tissues — muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves, blood vessels, etc.)

  • Spondylolysis (stress fractures in the lower lumbar spine)

  • Herniated discs (the nucleus — center of the discs of the spine — ruptures outside of the normal place)

Runners, golfers, gymnasts, and weightlifters most frequently experience lower back injuries. Read the rest of this entry →

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