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Sports Then and Now

How to Buy the Perfect Baseball Cleats for You 2

Posted on May 15, 2018 by Adrian

baseball-cleatsBaseball season is on the way and this is often the time when players start shopping for new equipment. While some cleat models might look awesome, they don’t always offer the same level of performance and might actually hurt your game. Here are some of the things you should consider when buying a new pair of cleats.

Be Careful when Buying Online

While buying online can allow you to make significant savings, there’s one thing brick and mortar sporting goods store have going for them, and that’s the ability to try the cleats yourself. If you’re going to buy online, it would be wise to try the cleats in a regular store first to see how they fit. You can also check a few reviews online and look for recommendations. Sites like Theplanetofbaseball.Com often review baseball equipment and offer buying tips as well, so that would be a good place to start.

Make Sure to take Your League’s Rules into Consideration

Before you even start thinking about buying cleats, you have to make sure that they conform to your league’s rules as well. Various leagues will have different rules as to which cleats are allowed and which ones are prohibited. For instance, some leagues will have restrictions on metal cleats and will require that all their players use rubber cleats, so be on the lookout for that. Read the rest of this entry →

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      July 2, 2024 | 1:53 pm
      Dale Murphy

      The Sports Then and Now Vintage Athlete of the Month was a standout player of the 1980s, remembered not only for his exceptional skills on the field but also for his exemplary character and sportsmanship.

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      Early Career and Rise to Prominence

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