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Sports Then and Now

3 Exercises To Increase Stamina – Endurance For A Fight 3

Posted on December 30, 2016 by John Torgerson

Marathon, black silhouettes of runners on the sunsetStamina and endurance are two terms widely and interchangeably used by most of the people without knowing what it actually means. According to the professionals, stamina refers to cardio functions whereas endurance to the muscular functions.

Therefore, stamina is said to be the ability of a person to work longer instead of harder. Endurance, on the other hand helps the person to exert while staying active for a long period of time, and have the ability to resist, withstand and recover at the same time. For this very reason, every sport requires sports specific stamina as well as endurance training. So, keeping that in mind, here are 3 exercises that will help you build stamina and endurance required to fight like a pro.

Jog, Run, & Repeat

Sounds simple enough, doesn’t it? Despite that, it affects the body in a wide variety of ways. Walking, for instance, is a simple, low impact exercise perfect to get more active. But, when combined with jogging or running at a slow speed can get the heart beat elevated. This can be thought as a perfect way to build stamina and endurance. However, this alone won’t do any good while preparing for a fight.

Reason being, in a fight you need to go hard at one moment, catch your breath the other and then again go back fighting hard. So, that means the heart rate won’t stay stable constantly, it will go up and down throughout the fight. Therefore, jog for a moment and then sprint as fast as possible, slow down again for 10 seconds to catch your breath and sprint again. This won’t be easy, you might as well want to give up. Instead keep pushing yourself forward. To build endurance there is no easy way, neither are there any alternatives to running only body wipes to wipe that sweat off. Read the rest of this entry →

Nutrition Tips For Young Athletes 10

Posted on May 05, 2016 by Isabelle Dwayne

nutrition-for-athletesnutrition-for-athletesnutrition-for-athletes-2The stakes are higher than ever for young athletes. Many are striving to achieve or keep college scholarships or qualify for a particular school’s athletic program. Training begins younger than ever before as well, with parents supporting and encouraging their children to reach for the stars. It is well known that healthy exercise and eating habits established in childhood set kids up for nutritional success later in life. It is also obvious that student athletes must take care with their diet and training choices throughout their career to avoid risk of injury or negative effects on their overall growth.

If you are a student athlete or have one in your life, these tips, trick and suggestions may reveal some areas in nutrition and training that can be improved.


Fuel Your Performance

Eating healthy foods that relate to calories burned and nutrients depleted during an athlete’s particular sport is extremely important to athletic success. Nutritious vegetables, fruit and complex whole grains will fuel your performance and help your body recover after a game or training.

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5 Must-Haves For A Fitness Addict 30

Posted on April 05, 2016 by Alexandra Griffin

WeightlifterFitness and working out became a significant part of our lives in the past few years. It is hard to find someone who does not spend hours sweating at the gym or at least jogging in the mornings. Healthy eating is a real new lifestyle. But if one is taking all this fitness routine serious – it is time to check the must have list and add a few more items to your special workout drawer.

    In the era of digital gadgets and overall tech progress, when you can play online video poker casinos at home and use drones to deliver a pizza, it is hard to define what one really needs and what is imposed upon us by the media and advertising. Here is the list of what we think will be worthy to buy to improve your daily routine.

  1. Trainers

    A pair of good trainers or sneakers is the first thing one should take care of before starting working out. That should be a high-quality pair that fits your size and does not cause any troubles while walking and doing any other activity. The best ones are those you do not feel at all. It is highly advised not to buy shoes online especially via AliExpress and other platforms alike. Because you never know what you get. As a result, such shoes can even harm you.

  1. Watch

    The second must have item in the list. Pick the one which is waterproof and anti-shock. There are models for any taste and budget. The best ones include pace counter and stopwatch. These are very helpful if you are taking your workouts serious. Check if it fits your wrist before buying. Advanced models also have MP3 players to entertain you while training. There are some doubts about the comfort of listening to music via the watch, however there lots of fans of such models as well. Read the rest of this entry →

The Best Sports to Keep You Fit and Healthy 23

Posted on March 31, 2015 by Natasha Bill
Rugby is a tough sport, but definitely one that keeps you fit.

Rugby is a tough sport, but definitely one that keeps you fit.

Sport is such a popular pastime across the world. Many people take up a sport recreationally while others play at a professional level. The beauty of sport is that it combines a healthy competitiveness with a wonderful fitness regime. It’s important to look after your body and keep fit, and sport is a fun and exciting way to do this.

It’s also great for social interactions and teamwork. If you play any kind of sport, you’re probably aware just how much impact it has on your fitness levels. But if you haven’t yet taken up a sport here are some ideas for sports to keep you fit and healthy.

Believe it or not golf is, in fact, a great way to stay fit and healthy. It gets a stigma because it’s often associated with older overweight men. But, in fact, there’s a lot of walking involved in golf, and this is good for your heart. Also, by the natural swinging action involved you develop great upper body strength. You can work on improving your game while also keeping yourself fit. And the great thing about golf is that you don’t need to be in fantastic shape to take it up, which is untrue of most sports.

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