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How to Get Involved in Auto Racing

Posted on June 08, 2020 by Martin Banks

Racing is one of our nation’s most popular past times. However, if you’re watching Formula One or NASCAR, getting behind the wheel of one of those automotive marvels might seem entirely out of reach — especially if you’re just an average fan of the sport. While you might not find a place on the NASCAR track, there are still plenty of ways to get your fix and get involved in auto racing. Here are a few tips and tricks to start. 

Start Small

Don’t head into your nearest NASCAR track and demand to sit behind the wheel of one of their multi-million dollar race cars. At best, you’ll get laughed out of the stadium, and at worst, they’ll have you arrested for trespassing. Instead, consider starting small. Nearly anyone can do go-kart racing with a little time, effort and a small investment. Plus, before you buy your first kart, you can head to a go-kart track and try out the sport to get a feel for it. 

If you decide you don’t want to invest in a go-kart, or it just doesn’t scratch your racing itch, move on to our next suggestion. 

Attend Track Days

If you want to get a feel for racing but haven’t invested in your own race-worthy car, consider heading to track days at your local racetrack. You can take your car onto the track and put it through its paces. These tracks let you accelerate to speeds you’d never experience on the highway. Plus, track days are a great source of information. Professionals can teach you how to safely make the most of your time on the pavement. 

Track days aren’t about winning, hitting top speeds or overtaking the other drivers. They’re about learning how to drive safely and having some fun over a weekend.

Make Sure You’re Prepared

Before you try our next suggestion, there are a few things you should make sure you have on hand. Research the car you’re using for racing. Ensure it meets all the safety requirements for any future events you have planned. Consider investing in safety equipment for your automobile as well, like a fire extinguisher. 

While no one likes to think about it, accidents do happen on the amateur racing circuit. Even the most prepared driver can find themselves injured or killed when something goes wrong. If you have a life insurance policy, consider adding an accidental death rider to it. Doing this ensures that if the worst does happen, your family is protected

Consider Autocross

If you feel the need for speed and have a competitive streak a mile long, autocross might be your next step. This is the amateur racing circuit at its finest. Drivers can bring in their favorite cars and compete against other drivers in similar vehicles to see who comes out on top. Modifications are common in some circles and banned in others, allowing you to compete against other cars in a similar class. 

Since these are actual races, you’ll need to adhere to numerous safety rules and regulations before you’re allowed on the track. This point is where a helmet will come in handy, though many autocross event hosters provide loaner helmets if you don’t have one that meets their standards. 

Get Behind the Wheel

Whether you’re racing go-karts or your favorite daily driver, there are plenty of ways to get involved in auto racing that aren’t NASCAR or Formula One.

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