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Sports Then and Now

Buffalo Bills: Best Female Fans in the NFL 17

Posted on October 10, 2009 by John Wingspread Howell
The author is convinced that the best female fans in the NFL reside in Buffalo.

The author is convinced that the best female fans in the NFL reside in Buffalo.

Time to throw down the gauntlet. Let’s start a gridiron cat fight over which NFL team has the best female fans. My submission, The Buffalo Bills.

My inspiration for this article came as I was enjoying a triple decadent dessert with a friend at the Chocolate Bar in Buffalo’s Theatre District. My friend recently relocated to Buffalo from Chicago.

He observed that there seemed to be more female sports fans in Buffalo than in other towns—especially Bills fans! “And in Buffalo they really seem to know their football.”

When he said that, it was one of those epiphany moments that only happen occasionally, when someone speaks a truth you have known intuitively and subconsciously but haven’t consciously pondered or acknowledged.

Fully convinced in my gut of the truth of his assertion, I set out to collect anecdotal evidence to support the thesis, and explain it.

I interviewed several women I know who are rabid Bills fans to see what their perspective might be. Some still live in Buffalo, some are expats, and one never lived there, but caught Bills fever from her mother in law.

I asked them what they thought. Do the Bills have more female fans than other teams? And are they better fans? Read the rest of this entry →

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