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Sports Then and Now

Where do Student-Athletes Face the Most Discrimination? 1

Posted on November 19, 2017 by Eileen O'Shanassy

Where do Student-Athletes Face the Most DiscriminationEvery child grows up dreaming of becoming a professional athlete. Although every dreamer has their own unique journey, at some point, every future pro holds the title of student-athlete in college. Being a student-athlete requires you to take on all the responsibilities of a traditional student, along with the demands of practicing and competing at a higher level. The life of a student-athlete has its perks, but it also comes with inevitable stressors and disadvantages as well. Discrimination is something most athletes will face at least once or twice and can be hard to get past. Here are few areas where you can expect to encounter discrimination during your academic career.


At some point in your academic career, you will encounter a teacher or professor who simply does not like athletes. Certain faculty members have a misconception that student-athletes are only there for their sport, and do not respect academics. They believe you are used to having things given to you and want to overcompensate by holding you to a standard higher than all other students. Be prepared to show your professor that you are there to learn, work, and be attentive so you create that relationship early and develop respect between both parties. Read the rest of this entry →

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      Dale Murphy

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