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Sports Then and Now

How the Internet has Influenced Sport 3

Posted on February 12, 2019 by Liam Hughes

Internet and sportsPeople have been playing, watching and betting on sports for thousands of years but the past 30 years have seen the world of sport change like never before. It’s not that we’re playing games that differently or that more people are participating, it’s because the internet has revolutionized our whole relationship with them. It has opened up a host of new opportunities, to check results, read informed comment, and to watch sport, and has made the various sports accessible to more people than ever before.

All the details

Keeping up with sporting results used to require turning on the radio or sitting in front of the television at a certain time and waiting through a lot of irrelevant results to hear the ones that mattered to you. Miss them and you had to wait for the next broadcast, phone around your friends or go out in search of more information. Now you can get results online as soon as a game is finished or watch them stream in point by point. There’s a tremendous amount of detail available and it’s up to you to decide whether or not you want insights and opinions to go along with it.

Following sport online also makes it easy to keep track of rankings, fixtures and transfers so that you can stay up to date on every aspect of your passion. Read the rest of this entry →

How the Internet has Changed the World of Sports 7

Posted on May 23, 2017 by Christina Sommers

Internet-1Today, we have more access to the Internet where we can actually watch our favorite games. We even can place a bet on matches from anywhere – at the comfort of our home. Just like you are offered casino online free bonus when you take part in some casino games. There are lots of websites available today where you can enjoy all kinds of sports including the unpopular ones. The Internet has greatly revolutionised how everything is done today and below are few benefits that the Internet has brought into sports online. Read the rest of this entry →

  • Vintage Athlete of the Month

    • Dale Murphy: A Hallmark of Excellence
      July 2, 2024 | 1:53 pm
      Dale Murphy

      The Sports Then and Now Vintage Athlete of the Month was a standout player of the 1980s, remembered not only for his exceptional skills on the field but also for his exemplary character and sportsmanship.

      Born on March 12, 1956, in Portland, Oregon, Dale Murphy’s journey to becoming one of the most respected players in baseball history is a testament to dedication, perseverance, and a genuine love for the game.

      Early Career and Rise to Prominence

      Murphy was drafted by the Atlanta Braves in the first round of the 1974 MLB Draft. He made his Major League debut on September 13, 1976, at the age of 20. Initially a catcher, Murphy transitioned to the outfield early in his career, where he would solidify his place as one of the premier outfielders of his era.

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