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Sports Then and Now

Women In Boxing: New Trend Or Necessity? 1

Posted on February 21, 2020 by Bertha Garrett

More and more women have started to show an interest in boxing, and are taking part at both a pro and amateur level. There are some big stars out there like Katie Taylor fighting on the undercard of some big male fights, and people are starting to see the growth in the women’s sport. 

The benefits of boxing are clear. As a workout, there isn’t much that can beat it. Plenty of celebrity women, and women who act as role models, are also starting to take part in boxing as a workout. 

According to Andy Stenzler, Rumble Boxing CEO and Co-founder:

“Rumble is group fitness for the individual. We believe in the power of coming together to fight for a collective goal, but we also celebrate what it means to be unique. Rumble was created to shake up the stale norms of the group fitness world, and we remain committed to authenticity. Rumble is a collection of the most inspired and inspiring fitness instructors on the planet. Impressive athletes in their own regard, they step onto the podium at Rumble as part DJ, part motivational speaker, and complete Master of Ceremony. The 45 minutes that follows is an awesome orchestration of a workout engineered to the beat of custom hip-hop and house mash-ups. The music, the lights, the program, and the collective heartbeat of the room all come together”

Now let’s take a deeper look which are the pros of boxing as a workout for women.

Improved Total Body Strength 

Boxing at a good standard requires strength, and builds strength in a variety of different areas. If you go to the gym and work on one particular area of the body then you can strengthen your body in this area, but boxing works on a huge amount of the muscles in your body and on your core. This can lead to an improvement in your overall body strength.

Boxing doesn’t mean you have to turn into a bodybuilder. Instead, it provides a way to grow your body strength from head to toe.

Enhanced Cardio-Vascular Health

“Cardio” is a term that can strike fear into people. As well as working on your strength, boxing is a great way to work on your cardio and your heart health. One of the great things about boxing is that your focus is always on the fight, or the sparring you are taking part in. This means that you don’t always realise just how much exercise you are getting through.

Moving around a ring or building strength with the exercises involved in boxing can give great cardio exercise. It can be compared to high intensity interval training and other workouts that have grown in popularity.

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