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4 Strategies For Preventing And Overcoming A Sports-Related Concussion

Posted on June 27, 2017 by Emma Sturgis

concussionsOver 3.5 million sport participants are injured every year. If a person has multiple concussions, it may make simple tasks such as driving to the grocery store or remembering someone’s name difficult or impossible. A concussion can have serious effects on a person’s health both now and well into the future.  Concussions and brain trauma are becoming more common, with 79% of deceased football players having CTE (chronic traumatic encephalopathy.) Therefore, it is important for an athlete to understand how to either avoid a concussion or how to overcome one that has already occurred.

Wear A Head And Mouth Protection

While wearing a helmet or a mouth guard won’t necessarily prevent a concussion from occurring, it can provide protection against punches, errant throws or other debris. It may also be the difference between living and dying if your head hits the ice or the ground with force.

Play With Proper Technique

Athletes tend to get themselves hurt because they are going for the hard hit instead of properly tackling an opponent or just playing the puck. Furthermore, players should never keep their head down while the game is ongoing. This may leave them vulnerable to hard hits from opponents looking to make their mark on a weak opponent.

Work With Doctors To Learn More About Concussion Symptoms

While you can’t reverse the symptoms of a concussion, you can put yourself in the best possible position to minimize their impact. For instance, if you notice that you see stars or can’t remember the last play, it may signal that you have been concussed. Getting to the hospital or otherwise being evaluated by a doctor as soon as possible may help ease swelling or bleeding in the brain. Make sure you see medical professionals that have a qualified education, such as a nurse practitioner, and hospital that have excellent patient care.

Don’t Force Yourself To Come Back Too Quickly

You may feel the urge to come back from a concussion as soon as possible in a show of commitment to your teammates. However, you shouldn’t come back until you are free of symptoms such as dizziness or sensitivity to light. When you do come back, it is a good idea to wear extra padding and do your best to avoid hard hits. If you feel woozy or dizzy during the game, take yourself out immediately and consult with a doctor.

Concussions are common in sports, but they may not always be diagnosed properly or in a timely manner. If you feel weak or have a headache that doesn’t go away, get to the doctor as soon as possible. Doing so may make it possible to start treatment right away, which may help you recover faster and live a higher quality of life.

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