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Most Dangerous Sports for Kids and the Most Common Injuries

Posted on January 09, 2016 by Brooke Chaplan

youth-soccerContact sports, by their very nature, are the most dangerous for kids of any age to engage in. These include football, soccer, and baseball and often incur the most serious injuries in kids. Others sports that commonly lead to injury are cheerleading, roller skating, ice skating, floor and apparatus gymnastics, and trampoline competitive sports.

Most Common Injuries in Kid’s Contact Sports
According to one of the top brain injury attorneys, for high school and junior league football, one of the most serious injuries is head trauma. Others may include torn ligaments and ACL and MCL separations, spinal injuries, and wrist, ankle and elbow injuries. Some of these sports injuries may also occur in Little League and high school baseball, though less often. In soccer, the common injuries are broken bones, sprains and strains to muscles, and spine and neck problems. About 80% of soccer injuries occur to the feet and legs.

Cheerleading, Gymnastic and Trampoline Injuries

Cheerleading injuries can be serious, depending on the type of acrobatics involved in the routines, and how soon they are treated. Broken arms or legs can often occur during the performance of aerial acrobatics like front and back handsprings, front and back somersaults, and splits from a leaping position, which can also cause strain on the upper thighs and hips. 

Children also incur many injuries from use of gymnastic apparatus like the balance beam and uneven parallel bars. Floor injuries are similar to those in cheerleading due to aerial acrobatic stunts commonly used.

Trampolines are lots of fun for kids, but they can also be a source of injury. Even with today’s safety padding on trampoline frames and the addition of buoyancy to the bed of the trampoline, children who bounce high on this equipment can land off balance onto the frame or land on various body parts wrong. This could cause a pressure break in limbs or even a concussion, should the landing occur head first.

Roller Skating and Ice Skating Injuries for Kids
Children often misjudge their own ability and dexterity while on wheels. Roller skating injuries are often minor scrapes to knees, wrists, elbows, and ankles. Ice skating injuries may be similar, depending on the level of skating skill. When kids begin to learn to perform jumps, axles, and spins on ice skates, they are likely to injure their tailbone on landing or various other limbs.

While sports for kids are an ideal way to maintain good health, and get rid of excess energy, it is also important to properly train them to avoid injuries. Whatever activity you choose, make sure kids are well-trained and understand the risks.

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