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Sports Then and Now

How to Prevent Common Sports Injuries 1

Posted on September 18, 2020 by Martin Banks

The human body is an amazingly resilient biological machine, but it is not invulnerable. Whether you’re playing football, soccer, rugby or something in between, there is always the potential for injury. Of course, some injuries happen more frequently than others. What are the most common sports injuries, and how can you prevent them?

1. Shin Splints

Shin splints, or pain in the shins during exertion, are a common complaint among runners. They can happen to anyone, but are most prevalent in athletes who increase their speed or mileage too quickly, those who need new shoes or those that start exercising without properly stretching or warming up. Left untreated, these can develop into more severe injuries, up to and including stress fractures in the shin.

Stretching and switching to new shoes with arch support are the best ways to prevent shin splints. If they do occur, treat them with rest and ice. 

2. Concussion

Concussions occur when you take a blow to the head hard enough to jostle your brain around inside your skull. They’re common in most contact sports, and require diagnosis and treatment from a trained professional. Anyone with a suspected concussion should stop playing immediately and seek the help of a medical professional. 

Providing proper training and safety equipment can help prevent concussions in sports. Rules that disallow headshots and an athletic culture that endorses good sportsmanship can also prevent these common injuries.

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How To Get Your Household Involved In Fitness 0

Posted on February 03, 2020 by John Harris

Fitness is something all your family members need or those that live in your household. It can help maintain a healthy life, and by putting your body through exercise, you’re potentially adding years to your life, rather than reducing them. For a lot of people though, incorporating fitness into your daily routine can be difficult when you begin to have more responsibilities in life. There are more things that demand our attention, and so it can be difficult to prioritize fitness. However, if you’re encouraging your household to do it, then it can make it easier when you’re doing it together. Here’s how to get your household involved in fitness.

Be A Role Model

When you’re trying to encourage someone to make better choices, like getting fit, it’s only going to be effective if you’re also making the changes necessary. Especially when it comes to your children, who look up to you on everything you do in life. Being a role model is important as a parent but also for other people, whether you live with friends or your partner. If you’re seen to be practicing what you preach, then others are likely to follow suit because you’re sticking to your word. If you’re just telling people to get fit but not doing it yourself, then it’s likely to fall on deaf ears, and that’s not what you want. So try being a role model by getting up and doing fitness. Lead by example because that’s one of the main ways you’re going to get your household to do exercise and to be motivated to work out in one way, shape or form.

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How to Stay Fit Even During Vacations 19

Posted on July 24, 2019 by Roxanne Hoffman

When people go on vacations, they sometimes also take a break from their fitness routine. The issue with this, it could be difficult to slide back into the routine once the vacation is over. It would be like starting from scratch. It’s like you’re back to square one again.

It’s also quite understandable why people take a break from the routine during the trip. It could be impractical because of the equipment and the limited space. You may be using equipment that is impossible to bring along during your trip or not that easy to find in your destination. Your itinerary might also be jam-packed so it’s kind of tricky to squeeze in your exercise time.

However, if you want to stay fit during your trip – you could still do that. It certainly has its advantages. You’re not exactly back to zero on your fitness level when you get back from vacation. Also, exercise gives you more strength for the duration of the trip.

And as a bonus, it’s to balance out all the eating we did on vacation. The truth is, we do love to eat during travel – because why not? Part of the experience is enjoying also the food of the place. When you stay fit during the trip, you feel less guilty about over indulging.

So how does one remain fit during their vacation?

Plan beforehand. – This is a crucial step if you plan to stay active during your trip. While being spontaneous is also exciting, you must have an understanding of your destination.

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Competitive Swimming: 5 effective tips to boost your performance 0

Posted on April 22, 2019 by Christian Taylor

Swimming as a sport and competitive swimming are two different areas. If you are the latter area and planning to head into the first one, than the first question that comes to the fore is: What should I focus on to increase my performance in the pool? Well, to be honest there are plenty of things that you should focus on but we have narrowed them down to 5 areas that you MUST focus at the start.

But before we dive into the details, I want to ensure that you perfectly understand that competitive swimming is all about building stamina by committing more hours to workout per week, focusing on your diet to fulfill all your dietary requirements, focusing on perfecting techniques and strokes and wearing the right swimwears and training equipment.

The areas that we have outlined here can be easily adjusted within your existing routine and help you make your overall swimming training sessions more goal-oriented and fun at the same time (listed in no particular order):

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Fitness Gear: What Do You Actually Need for a Better Workout? 1

Posted on January 26, 2019 by Jessica Peters

fitness-gearIt is a great time to be a fitness-conscious person. Not only do you have more workouts to try and specific programs to help you achieve your goals, there are also more gyms and supporting facilities that you can visit to exercise. The growing fitness market means gyms and workout classes are also getting more affordable.

There are also gadgets and gear designed to help you work out better. Whether you want to keep track of your exercises or you want to increase the intensity of your workouts, picking up the right gadgets to support your exercise is the way to go. To help you get started, these fitness items are the ones you want to consider.

A Capable Fitness Tracker

Fitness trackers are perfect for keeping tabs on your exercise. The available trackers can help you monitor your progress while working out, which means you know exactly when you can start with every phase of the exercise program. Wearing a fitness tracker lets you gain more benefits from the workout itself.

There are some interesting options on the market too. The Fitbit Charge 3 is the perfect device if you are looking for a compact fitness tracker that still looks good when worn every day. The stylish design also means you can pair this fitness tracker with any workout outfit you like.

The Apple Watch 4 is also a great option. It may not be a device specifically for fitness tracking – and it only works with iOS devices – but you can still monitor key metrics while exercising. The added features that come with the Apple Watch 4 makes this smartwatch a great all-rounder. Read the rest of this entry →

Athletic Achievement: 5 Mental Benefits of Playing Sports 0

Posted on December 17, 2017 by Dixie Somers

Athletic Achievement - 5 Mental Benefits of Playing SportsWhile most people adopt a fitness routine to help shed fat and build lean muscle, the benefits extend well beyond the physical. Cognitive processes may be ephemeral, but the brain is ultimately physical and therefore stands to benefit from a healthy body built through playing sports. The next time you’re working out, keep these mental benefits in mind as further motivation for staying fit.

Improved Mood

If you suffer from chronic stress or depression, participating in sports is a natural way to help combat these negative emotions. Team sports are particularly effective, since their group nature can help you to build the camaraderie and support network needed for a healthy mind. The mere act of physical movement itself is also a powerful mood booster. Exercise relieves the muscle tension, poor posture, and other physical symptoms of stress, while also releasing endorphins, a mood-improving hormone vital for healthy brain function. Read the rest of this entry →

  • Vintage Athlete of the Month

    • Dale Murphy: A Hallmark of Excellence
      July 2, 2024 | 1:53 pm
      Dale Murphy

      The Sports Then and Now Vintage Athlete of the Month was a standout player of the 1980s, remembered not only for his exceptional skills on the field but also for his exemplary character and sportsmanship.

      Born on March 12, 1956, in Portland, Oregon, Dale Murphy’s journey to becoming one of the most respected players in baseball history is a testament to dedication, perseverance, and a genuine love for the game.

      Early Career and Rise to Prominence

      Murphy was drafted by the Atlanta Braves in the first round of the 1974 MLB Draft. He made his Major League debut on September 13, 1976, at the age of 20. Initially a catcher, Murphy transitioned to the outfield early in his career, where he would solidify his place as one of the premier outfielders of his era.

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