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Archive for the ‘Health & Fitness’

The Most Common Track and Field Injuries 0

Posted on September 23, 2020 by Brooke Chaplan

No matter what steps an athlete takes to remain strong and healthy, they are probably going to experience at least a few injuries over the years. Luckily, many of the most common injuries won’t cause permanent damage as long as the athlete catches the early warning signs.

Shin Splints

Very few injuries are as common as shin splints, and practically every active individual will deal with this condition at some point. Shin splints can be caused by a myriad of issues, and that includes poor gait mechanics, flat feet, improper footwear, and tight muscles. Once the pain has subsided and your legs have healed, you will need to figure out exactly what is causing your shin splints if you want to avoid that discomfort in the future.

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Sports and Their Associated Injury Risks 0

Posted on September 21, 2020 by Luke Windsor

Injuries are an unfortunate and often unavoidable side effect of physically demanding sports.

While many are not harmful long term, they can take an athlete out for many games at a time, and the worst injuries are often the cause of a young career ending early. If you are planning on competing in these sports, or even just enjoy them casually for exercise, you should be aware of these injury possibilities. 


Everyone has heard of the infamous boxer’s fracture. This is caused by the small bones in your hand breaking from the repetitious training involved in the sport. Oftentimes these fractures are minor and non-threatening, but many promising boxers have had their careers ended early as a result of extreme fractures. On this note, many people are unaware that boxing gloves are actually not for the protection of your opponent’s head, but rather to preserve the small bones of the hand. Other common injuries include detached retinas, broken noses or orbital bones, and the long term brain damage that may occur. Ouch! 

American Football 

It should be no surprise that injuries in American football are not only common, but expected and planned for. The athletes of other sports may become injured on occasion, but in the NFL it is sadly a regular affair. This is why teams have a great deal of depth in every position, with star players regularly taking breaks to let their secondaries have a chance on the field. 

Also unlike other sports, there is a wide range of injuries that occur in American football. This is a sport that even something as seemingly minor as a thumb sprain can take an all-star player out of commission for weeks. According to several studies, the most common injuries in the sport revolve around the knees, ankles, shoulder, and head. These all make sense when you consider the aggressive full-contact playstyle. 

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How to Prevent Common Sports Injuries 1

Posted on September 18, 2020 by Martin Banks

The human body is an amazingly resilient biological machine, but it is not invulnerable. Whether you’re playing football, soccer, rugby or something in between, there is always the potential for injury. Of course, some injuries happen more frequently than others. What are the most common sports injuries, and how can you prevent them?

1. Shin Splints

Shin splints, or pain in the shins during exertion, are a common complaint among runners. They can happen to anyone, but are most prevalent in athletes who increase their speed or mileage too quickly, those who need new shoes or those that start exercising without properly stretching or warming up. Left untreated, these can develop into more severe injuries, up to and including stress fractures in the shin.

Stretching and switching to new shoes with arch support are the best ways to prevent shin splints. If they do occur, treat them with rest and ice. 

2. Concussion

Concussions occur when you take a blow to the head hard enough to jostle your brain around inside your skull. They’re common in most contact sports, and require diagnosis and treatment from a trained professional. Anyone with a suspected concussion should stop playing immediately and seek the help of a medical professional. 

Providing proper training and safety equipment can help prevent concussions in sports. Rules that disallow headshots and an athletic culture that endorses good sportsmanship can also prevent these common injuries.

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Borneo Kratom Guide – Strains And Effects 2

Posted on September 18, 2020 by John Harris

Kratom has become a popular herb around the world for its several effects that users love. There are several effects offered by different Kratom strains. Kratom users do choose different strains of Kratom for specific effects offered by each of the strains.

Among the different Kratom strains available, Borneo Kratom is listed under the best-selling Kratom strains. Just as the name goes, Borneo Kratom is found in the tropical forests of Borneo Island. In this article, we are going to discuss the Borneo strains and effects. You can also buy Kratoms by clicking on Let’s dive in and find out!

Everything you should know about Borneo Kratom

Several people around the world know Borneo Island as one of the smallest islands found in Asia. What are some of the distinctive features that you know about Borneo Island? First, Borneo Island is one of the most populated Islands in the world.

In Borneo Island, one of the most distinctive features is its humid and warm climate. This climate found in Borneo Island is one of the ideal conditions that favor the growth of high-quality Kratom. The soil found in Borneo Island is very fertile, and with such climate, Kratom that grows here is one of the best Kratom that offers unique and most substantial effects that are needed by the Kratom users.

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Top Incredible Social Benefits of Participating in Sports 0

Posted on September 09, 2020 by Cathy Carter

There’s no denying the significant advantages that sports have to one’s health and wellness routine. Do you know there’s more to sports than merely keeping fit, burning calories, building muscles, and making you feel great? Besides physical benefits, sporting can aid you immensely in other ways. With sports, you not only get to jog your mind but also benefit significantly at a social capacity. Here are some of the under-examined social benefits of sporting activities.

Forges resilience

In life’s journey, you are bound to experience some highs and lows at one point. Wins and losses are also imminent, and it can turn out to be one heck of an emotional rollercoaster. Sports is one of the great activities that enable you to build remarkable resilience. It’s a chance to learn how to dust yourself and tackle any challenging situation head-on. It allows you to become a well-rounded and mature person who can handle whatever life throws at you. You also get to become a significant pillar among people’s life as you enable them to find purpose in whatever they are doing.

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Precisely How to Select the Ideal Sports Just for You! 0

Posted on September 09, 2020 by Cathy Carter

Who doesn’t like participating in a fun and social experience that boost their health! Sports is not only engaging but also aids in overcoming mental stressors in life while forging social bonds with teammates. Do you desire to participate in sports, but you aren’t sure which sports are best suited for you? With so many great sports that you can focus on, it can be somewhat confusing. You might even feel the pressure to surrender pursuing sports altogether. However, don’t let your motivation die out just yet! Here’s how to choose the perfect sports that suit you. 

  1. Consider your interests

Here’s one of the vital elements that you need to consider when choosing a sport. There’s a vast option that you could try before narrowing down your choices.

However, you need to know it all comes down to picking something that you love and would participate in effortlessly. Choosing a sport that’s in line with your interests will enable you to excel tremendously. It’s because you will be open to new ideas to better your sporting skills as you look forward to the next tournament.

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  • Vintage Athlete of the Month

    • Rusty Staub: A Man For All Ages
      April 8, 2024 | 1:26 pm
      Rusty Staub

      The Sports Then and Now Vintage Athlete of the Month is a former major league baseball player who came into the game as a teenager and stayed until he was in his 40s. In between, Rusty Staub put up a solid career that was primarily spent on expansion or rebuilding teams.

      Originally signed by the Colt .45s at age 17, he made his major league debut as a 19-year old rookie and became only the second player in the modern era to play in more than 150 games as a teenager.

      Though he hit only .224 splitting time between first base and rightfield, Staub did start building a foundation that would turn him into an All-Star by 1967 when he finished fifth in the league with a .333 batting average.

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